What's popular over the last 7 days? Let me show you!

What's popular over the last 7 days? Let me show you!

These are the popular searches from August 8th through August 14th, 2021.  It seems that anything on the water are hot topics right now!

As site traffic builds, I find that I cannot keep myself from checking, at least once per day, which listings stand out at the top.  Getting this information is great!  I will admit though, as we continue to make ground in getting listings added, many of these listings are still missing some key write-ups and information.  So, please pardon the dust as you check out the top searches.

Over the past 7 days, these are the top listings:

  1. *Lighthouse Discovery Cruises/MBL
  2. *Maine Lobster Harvesting and Seal Watching Tours
  3. Camp Wapiti Lodge

In that same period of time, the top searches include Grand Lake Stream:

The most popular article has been:

*These were also popular searches in the last 28 days.

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